সোমবার, ১৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Christopherson Business Travel ? Managed Travel 2.0: Resources ...

In September I first wrote about the concept of Managed Travel 2.0. In the weeks since, there has been much additional information by way of blog posts, emails, and news, both for and against this concept as it continues to be a ?hot? topic of 2012. While its principles are unique, shocking to some, and encouraging to others, I sense it will be a while before corporations are comfortable giving so much freedom to travelers. Scott Gillespie discusses this in a post on his blog, Gillespie?s Guide to Travel+Procurement, and essentially boils the difference between traditionally managed travel and Managed Travel 2.0 down to one word: Freedom. He lists the principles of Managed Travel 2.0 as follows:

  1. Shop anywhere?? period
  2. Book anyone ? as long as the supplier is?safe
  3. Book anywhere ? as long as employer gets the data fast
  4. Book anything ? so long as the trip is in budget
  5. Pay with the corporate card

On another site, BusinessTravelNews.com, CEO Alan Tyson discusses his misgivings about this business travel trend in a post called, Perspective: Shooting Holes In Travel 2.0. Having worked with financiers thru the years, I fully understand his concerns. His article goes on to suggest that traveler satisfaction with a trip is not what matters?it?s the traveler?s satisfaction with his organization regarding the trip that does.

The final article to read regarding this idea of Managed Travel 2.0 is by David Jonas, titled, Study: Travel Policies Work, And will Continue To Do So. This study, conducted by the Association of Corporate Travel Executives and AirPlus, reports few signs of employee resistance to traditional managed travel.

Hopefully, these articles and resources will shed a bit more light on the subject and I will surely keep you posted as more is revealed.

Source: http://blog.cbtravel.com/?p=7981

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