শনিবার, ১৩ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Gap analysis: don't mind the gaps ? embrace them to improve ...

?Mind the Gap?. It?s a useful thing to read on a station platform. We don?t want to fall down those gaps. But brand gap analysis is one of the most important tools in our box; using it well can make the difference between success and failure, growth and decline ? of any organisation from a business to a nation, great design and poor design ? and even life and death.

Because there is always a gap. It?s pretty much a condition of life.

But let?s pull back and look at the gaps in brand, marketing and business? We shouldn?t mind (avoid) the gaps here. We must dive into them ? with every sense awake, and all our tools to hand ? to explore their depth and width, understand their cause, and close them.

At MTD we use Gap Analysis as a critical stage in our work to bring buyers to brands ? ranging from

  • Brand gap analysis
  • Market gap analysis
  • Buyer gap analysis
  • And gaps between effective brand conduct and winning buyer enablement.

In each, we have 9 defined organizational and operational areas for gap analysis, designed to contribute to the strategic definition and organizational development critical to meeting buyer needs and business ambition. We use these with our clients from the earliest stages of insight gathering right through to tactical implementation.? We use them in client workshops, 1-2-1 sessions with C-suite leadership and team meetings and in our own client development work.

It?s only by doing this that we can really understand the gaps properly and know how to fill them. Not paper over them. Not ignore them. And not simply mind them.

Gaps are everywhere. And they are usually seen as problems, the elephant in the room or the things that if looked into could open up a whole can of worms that could wreck BAU ? and a tendency to ?mind the gap? emerges ? i.e. avoid it. This is of course false economy.

We see it as our mission to find those gaps. It?s the only way that we can create true forward motion for our clients, define how to get them from a to b, c, d?z ? from where they are now to where they need to be in the future.

And here?s something people don?t often say: that it?s often within the gap that true uniqueness ? and a better future state for the business and brand ? lies. ?For that to happen of course the gaps have to be analysed, understood and addressed, before they can be used to define true strategy, new market activity, new sales and marketing focus, reshaped organizational structure, operation and conduct. They lead to realisations. They can enable us to see the wood, despite the trees.

At MTD, we don?t ?Mind the Gap? and we don?t think anyone else should; instead, let?s explore them for all their possibilities. ??

Source: http://www.marketingteamdirect.com/mtd-blog/brand/gap-analysis-dont-mind-the-gaps-embrace-them-to-improve-marketing-operations-marketing-strategy-and-brand-value

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