শুক্রবার, ৩১ মে, ২০১৩

National Day of Pampering for Cancer Survivors | Fight Colorectal ...

Beauty Day for Survivors.Ladies and gentlemen, if you are a cancer survivor, next Tuesday, June 4th 2013 could be your special day to get some free pampering to kick off June as?National Cancer Survivors Month.

Tuesday June 4th i?is becoming known as Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day. On this one day, volunteers in beauty salons, barbershops and day spas all over the U.S. donate their services to ?show a little free?love??to cancer survivors.

This is the 10th year for the growing grassroots effort.?Volunteers decide what services they wish to offer, post CSBSD? signage, and cancer survivors make their own appointments for that day.?Check the national online?listing?to see if services are offered near you. Don?t delay!

Founder Barbara Paget was volunteering to help cancer patients in her local hospital when she heard of a California spa giving a free spa day to its many cancer-surviving customers. She promptly went to a local spa owner to ask if she might consider offering a spa evening with complimentary services of her choice, to cancer survivors. The owner agreed, and there quickly was a waiting list for that first spa day. Ten years later, the idea has blossomed as national beauty shop chains and other cancer organizations have joined the effort.

No funds are raised, no solicitations allowed. If you wish to offer your services as a volunteer in Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day? (CSBSD?), or if you?re a survivor having trouble finding a local site, Barbara Paget asks you to alert her personally by email at bnpcsbsd@aol.com.

Source: http://www.cancersurvivorbeautyandsupportday.org/

Source: http://fightcolorectalcancer.org/community_news/2013/05/_national_day_of_pampering_for_cancer_survivors

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