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The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Prancercise

It's the exercise sensation that's sweeping the nation. This "springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait" will rock your abs and glutes, induce elation, and totally won't make you the laughing stock of the retirement community.

Source: http://gizmodo.com/the-weirdest-thing-on-the-internet-tonight-prancercise-510300755

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National Day of Pampering for Cancer Survivors | Fight Colorectal ...

Beauty Day for Survivors.Ladies and gentlemen, if you are a cancer survivor, next Tuesday, June 4th 2013 could be your special day to get some free pampering to kick off June as?National Cancer Survivors Month.

Tuesday June 4th i?is becoming known as Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day. On this one day, volunteers in beauty salons, barbershops and day spas all over the U.S. donate their services to ?show a little free?love??to cancer survivors.

This is the 10th year for the growing grassroots effort.?Volunteers decide what services they wish to offer, post CSBSD? signage, and cancer survivors make their own appointments for that day.?Check the national online?listing?to see if services are offered near you. Don?t delay!

Founder Barbara Paget was volunteering to help cancer patients in her local hospital when she heard of a California spa giving a free spa day to its many cancer-surviving customers. She promptly went to a local spa owner to ask if she might consider offering a spa evening with complimentary services of her choice, to cancer survivors. The owner agreed, and there quickly was a waiting list for that first spa day. Ten years later, the idea has blossomed as national beauty shop chains and other cancer organizations have joined the effort.

No funds are raised, no solicitations allowed. If you wish to offer your services as a volunteer in Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day? (CSBSD?), or if you?re a survivor having trouble finding a local site, Barbara Paget asks you to alert her personally by email at bnpcsbsd@aol.com.

Source: http://www.cancersurvivorbeautyandsupportday.org/

Source: http://fightcolorectalcancer.org/community_news/2013/05/_national_day_of_pampering_for_cancer_survivors

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Kelly Osbourne: Sex, drugs, rock & roll 'ain't fun'


13 hours ago

Kelly Osbourne in Cosmopolitan.


Kelly Osbourne in Cosmopolitan.

No one can say Kelly Osbourne isn't loyal to her parental units. Her father, rocker Ozzy Osbourne, fell off the wagon in April, admitting he had relapsed into drinking and taking drugs -- and she stood by him.

And in the July issue of Cosmopolitan, she says she understands where her dad is coming from. "I love and respect that he's honest enough to say, 'Yes, I did this. It was my fault,'" she told the magazine. "He's a real man. Most people would hide, and he doesn't. It doesn't make me love him any less.

"It took a long time to get to that place, but I understand it now," she adds. "It made me break down and cry when my parents rather than the Boston Marathon were on the cover of the British newspapers. People lost their children from a terrorist attack, and that's superseded by this bulls--- story that is not even real."

And perhaps some of her empathy comes from having gone down some of the same road as her father. "He's an addict; I'm an addict," she says. "It's going to be one of those things we battle for the rest of our lives. I take the necessary precautions. If you're not happy and healthy, it's not worth any of it. Everyone says sex, drugs, and rock and roll are fun. It ain't fun. It is not something to glorify."

Source: http://www.today.com/entertainment/kelly-osbourne-says-sex-drugs-rock-n-roll-aint-fun-6C10130978

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Telly video discovery app now optimized for Android tablets

Telly video discovery app now optimized for Android tablets

Social discovery applications are becoming more and more popular amongst mobile users, and Telly's certainly one that's leading the way in this category. Today, in an effort to get on as many devices as possible, the video-focused service has released a new version of its app which is vastly tailored for Android slates. Not only does this mean users will now have additional real estate to work with within the app, but Telly also added a few features to take advantage of the larger screen -- namely, an optimized browsing experience, an all-new carousel view and the ability to share videos via NFC. The revamped, tablet-friendly Telly is up for download now, so hit that Google Play link below if you're eager to check it out.

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Source: Google Play

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/paSLa1ELZr4/

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Gay rights cases could trail Obama in Africa

(AP) ? President Barack Obama's trip to Africa next month may result in a stark juxtaposition between the growing power of the gay rights movement in the U.S. and the criminalization of homosexuality throughout the African continent.

Obama is scheduled to be in Africa in late June and early July ? the same period in which the Supreme Court is likely to issue highly anticipated rulings on a pair of gay marriage cases. The court does not say in advance when its rulings will be issued, but the gay marriage cases are expected to be among the last decisions announced before the justices begin their summer break at the end of June.

Homosexuality is considered a criminal offense in many African nations, including Senegal and Tanzania, two of the countries Obama will visit. South Africa, the third country on the president's itinerary, has broad protections for homosexuals and is the only African country to legalize gay marriage.

Gay rights activist Richard Socarides said Obama could use the rulings as a "teachable moment" if the justices move to expand rights for same-sex couples.

"If the timing works out so that he's there, it may provide a perfect opportunity for him to speak out about the principles we value in our democracy and how we would hope that others follow it," said Socarides, who worked in the White House during the Clinton administration.

The White House wouldn't say what role gay rights would play in Obama's trip but noted that the administration "unequivocally advocates against violence and discrimination" against gays and lesbians, both in Africa and elsewhere around the world.

One of the cases before the Supreme Court is a challenge to California's voter-approved Proposition 8 that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The other seeks to strike down a portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that denies to legally married same-sex couples a range of benefits that generally are available to married heterosexuals. Obama supports overturning both measures.

The president has frequently called on countries around the world to end discrimination against gays and lesbians. In 2011, he directed the State Department to "ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of" gays, lesbians and transgender people. That included having diplomats "combat the criminalization" of being gay by foreign governments.

According to the State Department's 2012 human rights report on Tanzania, consensual same-sex sexual conduct is illegal and carries a prison sentence of 30 years to life. The report also concluded that gays and lesbians face "societal discrimination that restricted their access to health care, housing and employment" and that there were no government efforts to combat such discrimination.

Conditions are similar in Senegal, according to the State Department. The agency's 2012 human rights report on the West African nation says consensual same-sex activity, referred to in the law as an "act against nature," is a criminal offense.

Underscoring the continent's tough penalties for gays and lesbians, Nigeria's House of Representatives voted Thursday to ban gay marriage and outlaw any groups actively supporting gay rights, endorsing a measure that also calls for 10-year prison sentences for any public show of affection by a same-sex couple. It's unclear whether Nigeria's president will sign the measure.


Associated Press writer Mark Sherman contributed to this report.


Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-05-31-US-Obama-Africa-Gay-Rights/id-aeffa8a4b0ad44e3800a6abdd4b1385e

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The Connection Between Liver Health, Weight Loss, and Stubborn ...

If you seem to have more than an inch to pinch on your waist no matter what you eat or whether you focus on intervals or weight training, the problem may not be your stomach but another organ.

You probably don?t give much thought to your liver (except maybe when you contemplate that third vodka soda), but its health is key to your overall health and weight. Your liver is the ultimate multitasker: It acts as a filter to remove toxins (like medications and alcohol) and nutrient byproducts such as ammonia from the blood; it aids in digestion by producing bile to help break down fat and absorb fat- and water-soluble vitamins and minerals; and it plays a part in regulating glucose, blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, estrogen, testosterone, immunity, and blood cholesterol production and removal. And you thought you had a long to-do list!

Because of all of this activity, your liver may be in need of a little TLC. When it?s overworked, toxic residues can build up, causing inflammation that is associated with obesity. A stressed out liver can also cause fat to build up, especially around the belly. Added together, this can mean that no matter how much you restrict calories, weight loss is near impossible?unless you detox your liver.

RELATED: Learn the five things you don?t know about body fat so you can pick the smartest strategies for losing it.

Before you jump to start a crazy cleanse, check if you have other symptoms of liver problems, such as fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, rashes or acne, digestive troubles (constipation, acid reflux, indigestion, bloating), high cholesterol, and blood sugar and insulin imbalances, which can lead to low energy, cravings, and excessive thirst and urination.

If you think your liver may be amiss, ask your doctor for a liver function test, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) test, or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test, or request CAT or MRI scan to get a picture of your liver.

Once you have the results, you can make the following lifestyle changes to help remedy and even reverse the problem.

1. If you smoke, stop.

2. Use medications only when necessary, as even taking a Tylenol can have severe consequences on the liver.

3. Do not drink alcohol.

4. Eat and drink clean. Skip foods and beverages that contain high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, additives, hormones, preservatives, or artificial colors, and eat free-range or organic whenever possible. Your liver has to work harder to filter all this gunk.

RELATED: Jump-start your healthy diet and healthier body with a seven-day clean eating plan.

5. Consume cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, and cabbage. These contain sulphur compounds called glucosinolates that bind and eliminate toxins.

6. Ditch the salt, which can contribute to fluid retention and further strain the liver, and flavor foods with garlic, rosemary, dandelion, or chicory, which appear to support liver function.

7. Exercise the same way you take your prescription medicine: consistently and every day. Aim for at least a half hour, though more can be better, and be sure you?re doing intervals, which will help melt fat. A review published in the Journal of Hepatology found that a combination of diet and exercise was best to reduce body weight and therefore improve liver health.

Source: http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/weight-loss-strategies/weight-loss-secret-you%E2%80%99ve-never-heard

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩০ মে, ২০১৩

Amanda Bynes Slams Chrissy Teigen As Ugly Old Model On Twitter

Amanda Bynes Slams Chrissy Teigen As Ugly Old Model On Twitter

Chrissy Teigen vs Amanda BynesSports Illustrated model Chrissy Teigen is the latest celebrity to experience the Twitter wrath of troubled star Amanda Bynes. Bynes said the model was “old” and “ugly” in a series of bizarre rants on the social networking site. Chrissy Teigen, 27, posted a tweet on Tuesday stating she felt it was “unsettling” that people were ...

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Source: http://stupidcelebrities.net/2013/05/amanda-bynes-slams-chrissy-teigen-as-ugly-old-model-on-twitter/

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Switzerland frees banks to settle U.S. tax evasion cases

By Katharina Bart

ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland aims to save its banks from heavier punishment in the United States for helping wealthy tax cheats by sidestepping its own famed secrecy laws to let bankers disclose data to U.S. prosecutors.

A government bill put to parliament on Wednesday would let Swiss banks hand over internal information to U.S. authorities in the hope of avoiding threatened criminal charges - though the banks still face fines likely to total billions of dollars.

Bankers welcomed the prospect of an exit from years of legal wrangling that has already cost them dear and driven one bank out of business but were disappointed ministers failed to win more clarity from Washington on what settlements they might now expect. Opposition in parliament could yet block the measure.

Five months after U.S. action over tax evasion led to the closure of the country's oldest private bank, and with formal investigations under way into some of its biggest institutions, the Swiss government urgently wants a compromise to end threats of criminal charges that have hurt a vital national industry.

It insists banks will still not be allowed to hand over client names - protected by its treasured secrecy law of 1934.

But the new proposal, valid for a year only, would allow them to hand over so much information on customers' behavior that U.S. officials should be able to identify Americans who have used Swiss bank accounts to evade their taxes.

"If banks were not authorized to cooperate with the U.S. authorities, the initiation of further criminal investigations or charges concerning banking institutions could not be ruled out," the Swiss finance department said in a statement.

Swiss analysts were divided: some called it a sensible way out of a problem that meant banks, which are mostly now pulling out of the U.S. private client business, found themselves barred by Swiss law from cooperating with U.S. prosecutors; others condemned the blow to secrecy as "blackmail" by Washington.

The country's biggest bank UBS was forced in 2009 to pay a fine of $780 million and deliver the names of more than 4,000 clients to avoid indictment, giving the U.S. authorities information that allowed them to then pursue other Swiss banks.

Switzerland's tradition of bank secrecy has helped make it the world's biggest offshore financial center, with $2 trillion in assets. But that tradition has come under heavy fire since the financial crisis as cash-strapped governments around the world have clamped down on tax evasion, with authorities probing Swiss banks in Germany and France as well as the United States.

Banks under formal U.S. investigation include Credit Suisse, Julius Baer, British bank HSBC's Swiss arm, privately held Pictet in Geneva and smaller players such as LLB's Swiss arm and local government-backed Zuercher Kantonalbank and Basler Kantonalbank.

A Credit Suisse spokesman welcomed the legal framework, but declined to comment on when it might reach a settlement with U.S. authorities.


Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said the government wanted to rush the legislation through parliament in June for fear that U.S. authorities could bring criminal charges against large banks and open new investigations into many more banks.

She said the U.S. Department of Justice would only start offering individual settlements with banks once the Swiss parliament had approved the legal framework.

The biggest party in parliament, the right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP), said it would reject the proposal, as did the left-wing Social Democrats (SP). However, that does not mean that the legislation will not ultimately pass in some form.

The government has been negotiating with U.S. authorities for two years to try to resolve the tax dispute, but has abandoned an attempt to reach an umbrella settlement deal for the whole financial industry due to secrecy laws as well as squabbling among the country's banks as to who should pay what.

The Swiss Bankers Association said it welcomed a deal to clean up the historic problem in the United States but was "alienated" by the lack of detail offered by the Swiss government on what penalties they will face if they now hand over information to negotiate settlements with U.S. prosecutors.

Reaction among banking experts were divided.

Peter V. Kunz, a professor at Berne University said the deal was good for Switzerland and for its banks.

But others were much less positive: "In my opinion it's just pure blackmailing by the U.S. government," said Martin Janssen, professor of finance at Zurich University.

"You cannot even estimate what the costs will be," he said. "The U.S. government will just try and find out what the willingness is of the Swiss banks to pay."

Sources have said fines for the industry might amount to $10 billion but minister Widmer-Schlumpf said the government had not discussed a total sum for fines and would not offer financial assistance for banks as they seek individual settlements.

The finance department said the bill proposed by the cabinet on Wednesday would allow banks to hand over information about asset transfers, such as when accounts were closed and where money was transferred, as well as details of third parties who had business relationships with U.S. clients, such as tax lawyers.

Widmer-Schlumpf said that for the United States to get at more client names, the U.S. Senate must now ratify a new, wider double-taxation agreement that Switzerland agreed in 2009 but which has languished in Washington.

Switzerland's oldest private bank, Wegelin & Co, said in January it was closing down after pleading guilty to helping Americans evade taxes. It was fined nearly $58 million.

($1 = 0.9760 Swiss francs)

(Additional reporting by Caroline Copley; Writing by Emma Thomasson)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/switzerland-seen-laying-u-tax-deal-092443490.html

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Protect You Auto And Your Loved Ones With Car Insurance

Obtaining the correct type of insurance will save someone a large amount of income if they ever have an accident. Question your insurance agent to get a extensive set of the cash-conserving possibilities their business offers. Insurance plan towards uninsured drivers, in addition to low-automobile accident injury to your automobile like fireplace or deluge, as with a blaze. You do not wish to be trapped without having automobile insurance, even if it is just for two days and nights. Take an supply of these, to make sure you take advantage of these selling price savers.You could be astonished at what you can preserve by benefiting from discount rates. It can be hard to decide just how much insurance policies. In case you have large amounts of money protected up, you should get much more liability coverage. When you are responsible for the accident, limited liability coverage could drain your belongings. It is vital to actually hold enough protection and other biuro t?umacze? personal belongings. 100/200/100 stage insurance coverage is a great idea when you have a costly car. There ought to be a ?customer problem ratio? for insurance providers in your town. This amount gives what the percentage of claims that happen to be put into practice using a certain organization have unfavorable feedback. If you have someone that will not make use of car, it will help make your superior lower. You can even obtain your premium decreased by educating the insurance policy folks that you apply community move. Try out cycling with colleagues when you can?t accomplish that. A variety of stuff enter in to perform when figuring insurance rates. This can incorporate your romantic relationship standing, sex and relationship.When you are aware of these elements, you can be a significantly savvier purchaser. Covering multiple autos within a home within a one t?umaczenia przysi?g?e strategy can save you lots of money annually t?umaczenia . Hair comb over your insurance policies for faults. Accuracy will help if you want to submit a compensation claim denials and it can perhaps save a little money. Can be your residence address? Is the type of vehicle, design and year all right? You just might decrease premiums by relocating to a different one municipality or status. Costs and insurance coverage may differ widely according to your regional place. You could possibly spend less on insurance plan if you want to shift someplace else. It is essential to possess a in depth grasp of your own state?s regulations regarding auto insurance. Each and every status has their particular laws and regulations regarding what insurance it takes, so you have to be sure you fully understand particularly the thing you need when you go to obtain a car policy. Once you move insurance carriers, send out a composed message in your past insurance firm to end the insurance plan, and preserve a duplicate for your personal records. In case your insurance carrier is not going to record your cancellation, they are going to problem a expenses ? and whenever you don?t pay that bill, you could be documented as somebody who has become terminated from the insurance firm for low-transaction. Having your policy terminated for nonpayment can badly influence your credit rating outcomes. Cost-effective auto insurance rates usually are not the uncommon incidence they might are most often. With these suggestions, you are able to noticeably decrease your automobile insurance premiums. Vehicle insurance is vital for those motorists to possess. The following concepts must help you restrict your choices so will discover the very best insurance policy coverage for yourself. A great way to decrease your insurance monthly bill is as simple as cutting your miles every year. Most insurance carriers will in fact decrease the volume of your superior by reducing the volume of miles you push less. Ensure that you investigation insurance prices prior to buying a car. Insurance coverage agents should be able to advise you a long list of vehicle has reduced insurance premiums. You won?t shell out just as much in your insurance policy by choosing a model with a good security score. Think long and difficult about which kind of protection is essential. Whilst auto insurance guidelines offer lots of different insurance coverage kinds, not all of them will make sense. If you are prone to accidents, you should involve accidents insurance inside your coverage.

Source: http://progvariada.net/sin-categoria/protect-you-auto-and-your-loved-ones-with-car-insurance/

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Syrian opposition says peace talks must guarantee Assad's exit

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Syria's opposition coalition said on Wednesday it would only take part in a planned peace conference in Geneva if a deadline was set for an internationally-guaranteed settlement based on President Bashar al-Assad leaving power.

In its first official reaction to the conference being prepared by the United States and Russia, the coalition voted to adopt a declaration seen by Reuters that said it was committed to the aim of removing Assad and his most senior officials.

"The participation of the Syrians in any conference is tied to the presentation of a deadline for a solution and giving the necessary binding international guarantees," said the statement, issued after seven days of meeting riven by internal dispute.

"The Syrian Coalition welcomes the international efforts to find a political solution to what Syria has been suffering for two years while being committed to the principles of the revolution," it said.

The declaration said "the removal of the head of the regime and the security and military command" was paramount.

The talks have been marred by disagreement within the coalition over broadening its membership and appointing a new leadership. Lack of unity has threatened to rob the Islamist-dominated alliance of international support.

The 60-member coalition has so far failed to agree on the wider involvement of a liberal opposition bloc, to the dismay of Western and some Arab backers keen to reduce Islamist influence.

(Reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis; Editing by Nick Tattersall and Andrew Roche)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syrian-opposition-says-peace-talks-must-guarantee-assads-165458402.html

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EE announces monthly 4G SIM-only plans starting at ?23 for 500MB

EE announces monthly 4G SIM-only plans starting at ?23 for 500MB

Before other carriers in the UK get their 4G networks up and running, EE's looking to bolster its customer base by tempting you with an LTE fling, rather than a long-term relationship. The network already has 12-month SIM-only plans available if you don't need a device, but today has launched 30-day SIM-only options for the commitment-phobic. That freedom comes with a £2 mark-up per month over the year-long plans, however: the cheapest option rings up at £23 every 30 days for 500MB of data, with a maximum cost of £63 for 20GB. Every price tier comes with unlimited texts and calls as standard, and if you're intrigued by a no-strings-attached trial month, you can snag a SIM at stores, online, or over the phone right now.

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Source: EE

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/mCrYyAyXppY/

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Thermal limit for animal life redefined by first lab study of deep-sea vent worms

Thermal limit for animal life redefined by first lab study of deep-sea vent worms [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-May-2013
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Contact: Souri Somphanith
Public Library of Science

First laboratory study of Pompeii worms identifies new temperature limit for animal life

Forty-two may or may not be the answer to everything, but it likely defines the temperature limit where animal life thrives, according to the first laboratory study of heat-loving Pompeii worms from deep-sea vents, published May 29 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Bruce Shillito and colleagues from the University Pierre and Marie Curie, France.

The worms, named Alvinella pompejana, colonize black smoker chimney walls at deep-sea vents, thrive at extremes of temperature and pressure, and have thus far eluded scientists' attempts to bring them to the surface alive for further research. Many previous studies conducted at these sites has suggested the worms may be able to thrive at temperatures of 60 C (140 F) or higher. As Shillito explains, "It is because several previous papers had come to this conclusion that Alvinella had become some sort of thermal exception in the scientific world. Before these studies, it was long agreed that 50 C was the limit at which animal life survived."

In this new study, researchers used a technique that maintains the extreme pressure essential to the worms' survival during their extraction, allowing them to bring Pompeii worms to their labs for testing. They found that prolonged exposure to the 50-55 C range induced lethal tissue damage, revealing that the worms did not experience long-term exposures to temperatures above 50 C in their natural environment. However, their studies found that the temperature optimum for survival of the worms was still well over 42 C, ranking them among the most heat-loving animals known.


Citation: Ravaux J, Hamel G, Zbinden M, Tasiemski AA, Boutet I, et al. (2013) Thermal Limit for Metazoan Life in Question: In Vivo Heat Tolerance of the Pompeii Worm. PLOS ONE 8(5): e64074. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064074

Financial Disclosure: This research was supported by the programs BALIST ANR-08-BLAN-0252 (http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/) and BQR UPMC 2008 (http://www.upmc.fr/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interest Statement: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

PLEASE LINK TO THE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE IN ONLINE VERSIONS OF YOUR REPORT (URL goes live after the embargo ends): http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0064074

Disclaimer: This press release refers to upcoming articles in PLOS ONE. The releases have been provided by the article authors and/or journal staff. Any opinions expressed in these are the personal views of the contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of PLOS. PLOS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information.

About PLOS ONE: PLOS ONE is the first journal of primary research from all areas of science to employ a combination of peer review and post-publication rating and commenting, to maximize the impact of every report it publishes. PLOS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS), the open-access publisher whose goal is to make the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource.

All works published in PLOS ONE are Open Access. Everything is immediately availableto read, download, redistribute, include in databases and otherwise usewithout cost to anyone, anywhere, subject only to the condition that the original authors and source are properly attributed. For more information about PLOS ONE relevant to journalists, bloggers and press officers, including details of our press release process and our embargo policy, see the everyONE blog at http://everyone.plos.org/media.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Thermal limit for animal life redefined by first lab study of deep-sea vent worms [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-May-2013
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Contact: Souri Somphanith
Public Library of Science

First laboratory study of Pompeii worms identifies new temperature limit for animal life

Forty-two may or may not be the answer to everything, but it likely defines the temperature limit where animal life thrives, according to the first laboratory study of heat-loving Pompeii worms from deep-sea vents, published May 29 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Bruce Shillito and colleagues from the University Pierre and Marie Curie, France.

The worms, named Alvinella pompejana, colonize black smoker chimney walls at deep-sea vents, thrive at extremes of temperature and pressure, and have thus far eluded scientists' attempts to bring them to the surface alive for further research. Many previous studies conducted at these sites has suggested the worms may be able to thrive at temperatures of 60 C (140 F) or higher. As Shillito explains, "It is because several previous papers had come to this conclusion that Alvinella had become some sort of thermal exception in the scientific world. Before these studies, it was long agreed that 50 C was the limit at which animal life survived."

In this new study, researchers used a technique that maintains the extreme pressure essential to the worms' survival during their extraction, allowing them to bring Pompeii worms to their labs for testing. They found that prolonged exposure to the 50-55 C range induced lethal tissue damage, revealing that the worms did not experience long-term exposures to temperatures above 50 C in their natural environment. However, their studies found that the temperature optimum for survival of the worms was still well over 42 C, ranking them among the most heat-loving animals known.


Citation: Ravaux J, Hamel G, Zbinden M, Tasiemski AA, Boutet I, et al. (2013) Thermal Limit for Metazoan Life in Question: In Vivo Heat Tolerance of the Pompeii Worm. PLOS ONE 8(5): e64074. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064074

Financial Disclosure: This research was supported by the programs BALIST ANR-08-BLAN-0252 (http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/) and BQR UPMC 2008 (http://www.upmc.fr/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interest Statement: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

PLEASE LINK TO THE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE IN ONLINE VERSIONS OF YOUR REPORT (URL goes live after the embargo ends): http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0064074

Disclaimer: This press release refers to upcoming articles in PLOS ONE. The releases have been provided by the article authors and/or journal staff. Any opinions expressed in these are the personal views of the contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of PLOS. PLOS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information.

About PLOS ONE: PLOS ONE is the first journal of primary research from all areas of science to employ a combination of peer review and post-publication rating and commenting, to maximize the impact of every report it publishes. PLOS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLOS), the open-access publisher whose goal is to make the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource.

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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-05/plos-tlf052313.php

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Tech News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Twitter Is What You Make It, Ashton

Twitter Is What You Make It, Ashton

Doesn't Ashton Kutcher know what happens to people who complain about how terrible Twitter has gotten since the good old days? They're shamed with the More??

The Atlantic Wire - Thu, May 23, 2013
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Five Best Thursday Columns

Maria Bustillos at?The New Yorker?on small-scale surveillance?"The real surprise to me about the?Department of Justice's secret snooping on Associated More??

The Atlantic Wire - Thu, May 23, 2013

Source: http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/techblog

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BuzzFeed, CNN and YouTube are apparently joining forces to create an online video channel, that will

BuzzFeed, CNN and YouTube are apparently joining forces to create an online video channel, that will combine CNN's content with BuzzFeed's social media skill.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/FElt8p1I3oU/buzzfeed-cnn-and-youtube-are-apparently-joining-forces-510068138

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Maxios wins thrilling Prix d'Ispahan ? Horseracing News | bettor.com

Maxios wins thrilling Prix d'Ispahan ? Horseracing News

Maxios landed successful in the Prix d'Ispahan (Group 1) in France after a thrilling battle against Planteur.

The former of the two stallions was given the best odds for victory and he proved his worth in the end, winning by half a length. He was under immense pressure though and things did not turn out to be easy for him by any means. Despite that, he held his nerves and came out on top.

Alan Cooper, who was representing Maxios? owners, said after the race, ?He was held in a little by Zinabaa so Stephane (jockey) had to wait. I?m delighted for Jonathan (trainer) who has always believed in this horse. He had his setbacks at three but at four and especially now at five he's proved he's a very good horse.?

Overall, the seasoned horse has got a pretty decent winning record and he has been delivering some decent results this year, which is quite pleasing to see for his team. If he continues winning races in this fashion, he will certainly become a major threat for some of the top runners in major competitions.

However, Maxios should not get carried away with an impressive start to the season, as there are some tough races coming up in the future. Last year, he had a positive start, but failed to deliver solid results with consistency afterwards.

On the other hand, Planteur also needs to raise his game and start improving his strike rate. Although this year has been a decent one for him, he has only managed to succeed once, which is not what his team would want.

Nicholas de Watrigant, who was representing the owner of the runner up horse, said, ?It's a shame because he pulled hard early on but, he had a good position in second. Perhaps he could have gone a bit earlier because he has a long acceleration.?

Planteur has taken part in a total of 21 races, winning six of them whereas finished as a runner up on the same number of times. In addition to that, he has also secured the third spot on a couple of times, which clearly shows that he has the ability to be competitive.

Source: http://blogs.bettor.com/Maxios-wins-thrilling-Prix-dIspahan-Horseracing-News-a215855

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Even farm animal diversity is declining as accelerating species loss threatens humanity

May 27, 2013 ? The accelerating disappearance of Earth's species of both wild and domesticated plants and animals constitutes a fundamental threat to the well-being and even the survival of humankind, warns the founding Chair of a new global organization created to narrow the gulf between leading international biodiversity scientists and national policy-makers.

In Norway to address an elite gathering of 450 international officials with government responsibilities in the fields of biodiversity and economic planning, Zakri Abdul Hamid offered his first public remarks since being elected in January to head the new Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) -- an independent body modeled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Dr. Zakri, a national of Malaysia who co-chaired 2005's landmark Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and serves also as science advisor to his country's prime minister, cited fast-growing evidence that "we are hurtling towards irreversible environmental tipping points that, once passed, would reduce the ability of ecosystems to provide essential goods and services to humankind."

The incremental loss of Amazon rainforest, for example, "may seem small with shortsighted perspective" but will eventually "accumulate to cause a larger, more important change," he said. Experts warn that ongoing climate change, combined with land use change and fires, "could cause much of the Amazon forest to transform abruptly to more open, dry-adapted ecosystems, threatening the region's enormous biodiversity and priceless services," he added.

"It has been clear for some time that a credible, permanent IPCC-like science policy platform for biodiversity and ecosystem services is an important but missing element in the international response to the biodiversity crisis," Dr. Zakri told the 7th Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment "demonstrated that such an intergovernmental platform can create a clear, valuable policy-relevant consensus from a wide range of information sources about the state, trends and outlooks of human-environment interactions, with focus on the impacts of ecosystem change on human well-being. It showed that such a platform can support decision-makers in the translation of knowledge into policy.

"The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment provides our baseline," he said. "The IPBES will tell us how much we have achieved, where we are on track, where we are not, why, and options for moving forward. It will help to build public support and identify priorities."

The structure of IPBES mimics that of the IPCC but its aims go further to include capacity building to help bridge different knowledge systems.

"IPBES will reduce the gulf between the wealth of scientific knowledge on declining natural world conditions, and knowledge about effective action to reverse these damaging trends," he said.

Even barnyard diversity is in decline

Some scientists have termed this the "sixth great extinction episode" in Earth's history, according to Dr. Zakri, noting that the loss of biodiversity is happening faster and everywhere, even among farm animals.

He underlined findings by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization that genetic diversity among livestock is declining.

"The good news is the rate of decline is dropping but the latest data classify 22% of domesticated breeds at risk of extinction," Dr. Zakri said.

Breeds become rare because their characteristics either don't suit contemporary demand or because differences in their qualities have not been recognised. When a breed population falls to about 1,000 animals, it is considered rare and endangered.

Causes of genetic erosion in domestic animals are the lack of appreciation of the value of indigenous breeds and their importance in niche adaptation, incentives to introduce exotic and more uniform breeds from industrialised countries, and product-focused selection.

Among crops, meanwhile, about 75 per cent of genetic diversity was lost in the last century as farmers worldwide switched to genetically uniform, high-yielding varieties and abandoned multiple local varieties. There are 30,000 edible plant species but only 30 crops account for 95% of human food energy, the bulk of which (60%) comes down to rice, wheat, maize, millet and sorghum.

"The decline in the diversity of crops and animals is occurring in tandem with the need to sharply increase world food production and as a changing environment makes it more important than ever to have a large genetic pool to enable organisms to withstand and adapt to new conditions," he said.

Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals

According to Dr. Zakri, the most important outcome of last year's Rio+20 international environmental summit of nations was agreement to set new multi-year global objectives to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (2000 -- 2015).

Biodiversity is expected to feature prominently in the new "Sustainable Development Goals."

For specifics, Dr. Zakri commended the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, already established through the Convention on Biological Diversity, which contain five strategic priorities and 20 specific targets internationally agreed for achievement by 2020, beginning with public awareness of the value of biodiversity and the steps people can take to conserve and use it sustainably.

"The Aichi Targets are an important contribution to the SDG process and it is up to us to ensure that they are fully considered," he said.

"I would argue, though, that advancing towards equity and sustainable development requires us to go beyond. We need to meet the fundamental challenge of decoupling economic growth from natural resource consumption, which is forecast to triple by 2050 unless humanity can find effective ways to 'do more and better with less.' There are no simple blueprints for addressing a challenge as vast and complex as this but it's imperative we commit to that idea.

"We also need measures of societal progress that go beyond Gross Domestic Product. We need the kind of vision embodied in the Inclusive Wealth Index being pioneered by Sir Partha Dasgupta of Cambridge University, Anantha Duraiappah at IHDP, and Pushpam Kumar at UNEP. As they have convincingly argued, enlightened measures of wealth that include natural capital, not just output like GDP, offers a real portrait of sustainable development," he added.

"The idea that natural capital should be measured like this makes many nervous. And I agree that many of the services the environment provides, like clean water and air, are irreplaceable necessities.

"In theory, however, the undoubted value of these natural treasures should be reflected in their price, which should rise steeply as they become scarcer. In practice, natural assets are often hard to price well, if at all. Although this work is still in its infancy, it is worth recalling that GDP has only been measured for the last 70 years. And that originally it was a far cruder metric than today. The reality over many decades and the recent experience with the MDGs demonstrate all too clearly the limited success that even legal biodiversity-related commitments have in the absence of some sort of metric that speaks to other sectors and interests involved in the development process. We need to urge more economists to do the hard but valuable work of pricing the seemingly priceless. Ensuring these ideas are properly reflected in the SDGs could provide the type of support and encouragement needed."

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/_CXd8kdMwJg/130527100624.htm

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AP PHOTOS: Americans mark Memorial Day

AAA??May. 27, 2013?2:14 PM ET
AP PHOTOS: Americans mark Memorial Day

Bob Lewis looks over a field of crosses with names while participating in the College Point Memorial Day Parade in New York, Sunday, May 26, 2013. Lewis made the crosses, 137, for all the service members from College Point that were killed from the Civil War to the Vietnam War. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Bob Lewis looks over a field of crosses with names while participating in the College Point Memorial Day Parade in New York, Sunday, May 26, 2013. Lewis made the crosses, 137, for all the service members from College Point that were killed from the Civil War to the Vietnam War. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Owen Laster, 6, carries a bouquet of flowers to be placed at one of his "great grandpa's" headstones at Fort Richardson National Cemetery in Anchorage, Alaska, on Sunday, May 26, 2013. Laster is walking up to the resting place of U.S. Army Lt. Col. Leslie Crouse who was killed by shrapnel while serving during the Vietnam war in 1968. He also visited the site of Staff Sgt. George Burke who served in the Army Air Corps during WWII. (AP Photo/Anchorage Daily News, Bill Roth)

President Barack Obama participates in the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 27, 2013, in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Morgan Halloran, center, 7, of Williams Township, whose father is serving with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, stands during the Memorial Day remembrance at the Williams Township Veterans Memorial in Williams Township, Pa, Sunday afternoon, May 26, 2013. (AP Photo/The Express-Times, Matt Smith)

Larry and Betty Martinez mark a grave of a friend whose temporary marker was blown away at the Moore City Cemetery as they prepare for Memorial Day Sunday, May 26, 2013, in Moore, Okla. The cemetery is in the damage zone of a huge tornado that roared through the Oklahoma City suburb Monday, flattening a wide swath of homes and businesses. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Americans honored fallen service members on Memorial Day with President Barack Obama leading the nation's commemoration by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. Dozens of ceremonies were held across the nation to honor Americans killed in wars.

Here is a gallery of photos from across the U.S.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2013-05-27-Memorial%20Day-Photo%20Gallery/id-39601ca9702b4c6ab89fbc8fbcf66af4

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Fox Sports has not determined why rope snapped

CONCORD, N.C. (AP) ? Fox Sports says on Monday it still had not determined why an overhead TV camera cable snapped during the Coca-Cola 600.

The network says a full investigation is underway and use of the camera is suspended indefinitely. Earlier, NASCAR said it would wait for Fox Sports to conclude its review before deciding if such technology would be used in future races.

Charlotte Motor Speedway said 10 people were injured when part of the drive rope landed in the grandstand; three were taken to hospitals. All were checked out and released soon after.

Several drivers, including then-leader Kyle Busch, reported damage to their cars from the rope.

The network said the system was provided by Austrian company CAMCAT. The rope that failed was certified for a breaking strength of 9,300 pounds.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fox-sports-not-determined-why-rope-snapped-215921105.html

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Chander and Sunder, 'Copyright's Cultural Turn' - Private Law Theory

How ironic that the scholarship on the area of law most directly regulating the culture industries has long resisted learning from scholarship on culture! Rather than turning to cultural studies, anthropology, geography, literary theory, science and technology studies, and media studies, over the last few decades, copyright scholars have relied largely on economics for methodology. In this review essay, we argue that Julie Cohen?s new book, Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code, and the Play of Everyday Practice, is part of a cultural turn in intellectual property scholarship. Cohen?s book marks an important expansion of the tools available to analyze intellectual property.

In this paper, we contextualize her book through comparison with the reigning law and economics approach. We go further to highlight some aspects of a cultural analysis of copyright. We identify two central insights of the cultural turn in copyright: the relationship between cultural products and the self, and the relationship between culture and human development, which we characterize as the relationship between goods and a good life. Under Martha Nussbaum?s and Amartya Sen?s capabilities approach, which Cohen embraces, intellectual property policy would be evaluated under a new metric, not simply increased products (in the form of patents, copyrighted works, or trademarked goods), or its contribution to the gross domestic product, but rather its role in enhancing human capabilities. A cultural approach to copyright would measure law?s success by its ability to better the lives of real people.

Chander, Anupam and Sunder, Madhavi, Copyright?s Cultural Turn (May 22, 2013). Texas Law Review, 2013; UC Davis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 341.

Source: http://private-law-theory.org/?p=3038

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Preterm birth affects ability to solve complex cognitive tasks: Too early to learn

May 27, 2013 ? Being born preterm goes hand in hand with an increased risk for neuro-cognitive deficits. Psychologists from the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum and the University of Warwick, UK have investigated the relation between the duration of pregnancy and cognitive abilities under varying work load conditions.

"Cognitive performance deficits of children dramatically increase as cognitive workload of tasks increases and pregnancy duration decreases," says Dr Julia J?kel from the Ruhr-Universit?t. In the journal PLOS ONE, the researchers report a new cognitive workload model describing the association between task complexity and incremental performance deficits of preterm children.

Large numbers of preterm born babies will place new demands on education system

About 15 million, i.e., more than ten per cent of all babies worldwide are born preterm every year; that is before the 37th week of pregnancy -- and the numbers are rising due to improvements in neonatal medicine and demographic changes. Recent studies suggest that delivery at any gestation other than full term (39 to 41 weeks gestational age) may impair brain development, rendering survivors at risk for adverse neuro-cognitive outcomes. Considering that 50 per cent of children are born before the 39th week of pregnancy, even small increases in cognitive impairments may have large effects on a population level. "As the total number of children born preterm increases there will be parallel increases in special education needs placing new demands on the education system," Julia J?kel and her colleagues say. To date, uncertainties remain regarding the nature and underlying causes of learning difficulties in preterm children. The new cognitive workload model now reconciles previous inconsistent findings on the relationship of gestational age and cognitive performance.

Cognitive deficits of children born preterm depend on the workload of the task

The research team tested 1326 children, born between weeks 23 and 41 of pregnancy, at an age of eight years. Data were collected as part of the prospective Bavarian Longitudinal Study. The children took part in a range of cognitive tests with varying workload. High workload tasks require the simultaneous integration of different sources of information, thereby placing high demands on the so called working memory. The results: The higher the workload and the shorter the pregnancy duration, the larger were the cognitive performance deficits. Deficits were disproportionally higher for children born before the 34th week of pregnancy compared with children born after week 33. Being born preterm specifically affected the ability to solve high workload tasks, whereas lower workload tasks were largely unaffected.

Results are relevant for cognitive follow-ups and planning of school lessons

According to the researchers, these results should be taken into account for routine cognitive follow-ups of preterm children as well as for planning school lessons. "New studies suggest that computerized training can improve working memory capacity," Prof Dieter Wolke from Warwick says. "In addition, educational interventions could be developed in which information is not presented simultaneously to preterm children but more slowly and sequentially to promote academic attainment."

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/mind_brain/child_development/~3/iI8vxEmyf0A/130527100434.htm

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Source: http://hotarticledepot.com/improve-your-business-processes-with-the-very-best-business-management-software/

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CA-NEWS Summary

Syrian opposition struggles for unity as battle rages

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Syria's opposition resumed talks on Saturday aimed at closing their fractious ranks, as government forces launched a fierce onslaught on a rebel-held border town to try to gain the upper hand in the civil war. A failure of the opposition to unite could weaken the hand of Russia and the United States, co-sponsors of a proposed peace conference on the war, which has killed 80,000 and threatens to spill over borders and whip up wider sectarian violence.

Kerry presses Egypt on economic reform, says aid depends on it

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry urged Egypt to act swiftly on economic reforms to secure a $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan, saying the measures were needed to get further aid from the U.S. Congress, an American official said. Kerry met Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi for about an hour on the sidelines of an African Union summit on Saturday, discussing Syria's civil war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, human rights in Egypt and the country's faltering economy, the official said.

British police arrest three over soldier's killing

LONDON (Reuters) - British counter-terrorism police on Saturday arrested three people suspected of involvement in the killing of a soldier hacked to death in a London street by two men shouting Islamist slogans. The killing of the soldier in what the government said appeared to be a terrorist attack has led to angry protests against radical Islam and fears of a possible anti-Muslim backlash.

French soldier stabbed while on patrol near Paris

PARIS (Reuters) - A French soldier patrolling a business neighborhood west of Paris was stabbed in the neck and injured on Saturday by a man who fled the scene and is being sought by police, President Francois Hollande said. The 23-year-old was patrolling in uniform with two other soldiers as part of France's Vigipirate anti-terror surveillance plan when he was approached from behind around 6 p.m. and attacked with a knife or a box-cutter.

Bitter election creates long-term headache for Malaysia's Najib

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's divisive election has left a bitter taste for millions of people that risks creating a long-term problem of legitimacy for Prime Minister Najib Razak's long-ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition. The outrage was clear at a busy intersection across from one of Kuala Lumpur's fanciest shopping malls, where a huge poster of Najib and his deputy had been defaced -- a rare display of public disrespect in the Southeast Asian nation.

Swedish capital returning to normal after week of violence

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's capital was relatively calm on Saturday night with only isolated incidents of violence by youths after nearly a week of car-burnings and vandalism that have highlighted growing inequality in Swedish society. Police had brought in reinforcements from around the country to stem the rioting and were out in force in the poorer suburbs of Stockholm that have seen the worst incidents.

Arab spring nations face delayed economic recovery: IMF

AMMAN (Reuters) - Arab spring countries face rising social tensions that could thwart an early economic recovery from over two years of political turmoil that has worsened fiscal pressures and threatens macroeconomic stability, a senior IMF official said on Saturday. Masood Ahmed, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said oil importers Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan faced the double shocks of high energy and food import bills and the impact of a global economic downturn along with growing popular disaffection since the wave of Arab revolts over two years ago.

Hezbollah, Syrian government forces advance in border town

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian government forces and the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah launched a fierce campaign to seize more rebel territory in the border town of Qusair on Saturday, sources on both sides of the conflict said. Rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad said additional tanks and artillery had been deployed around opposition-held territory in Qusair, a Syrian town close to the Lebanese border.

Nigerian army says rescues hostages taken by Islamists

ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria's military has freed a number of women and children held hostage by Islamist sect Boko Haram, the army said on Saturday, after its offensive in the northeast of the country overran three of the insurgents' camps. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in a video earlier this month that the group had kidnapped several women and children in retaliation against security forces who, it says, detained the wives and children of its members without cause.

Egypt court rejects religious slogans in election law

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's highest court ruled on Saturday that parts of a revised election law setting out terms for a parliamentary vote were unconstitutional, casting fresh doubt over a poll that has already been delayed. The Islamist-dominated upper house of parliament had approved the law last month and sent it to the Supreme Constitutional Court to check the legality of the voting procedures for a new lower house.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ca-news-summary-000353780.html

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