শুক্রবার, ৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Is There A Solution To Today's Healthcare Crisis?

Finding a physician for your personal medical needs is an increasingly difficult problem. As insurance programs decrease the numbers of physicians that you can choose from and while physicians begin to set caps on the numbers of new patients they are willing to accept, more and more individuals are being turned away from the selected doctors on their insurance's preferred list. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are a number of other obstacles in the path of finding a physician who understands your health care needs and can provide treatment for your medical needs.

Doctors Are Too Busy

The doctors who are willing to accept patients find themselves working with many patients during the day and then completing the paperwork and insurance communications that they are bound to complete in order to receive payments. Because of the hectic nature of insurance-driven medicine, preventative care can often be overlooked. This leads to further health problems for patients, which leads to more time spent at the doctor's office.

Those busy schedules can also lead to extended waiting periods for the patients. An afternoon appointment may be scheduled at 2, but the patient may not be seen until after 3. This may prevent patients from seeing their doctor until their medical problems have become severe and more difficult to treat. It also fosters a cycle of harried doctors visiting with irate patients, communication lessens and treatment suffers.

Patients with Specific Needs Are Turned Away

If you are looking for a new doctor because you have moved from one area to another, because your doctor has moved or retired, or for any other reason, you might find that you will be turned away from one doctor after another. One common reason for this is that patients with specific needs can be difficult and costly to treat. Some of the conditions that will make it hard for you to find a physician are:

Pain Management

Diabetes and Other Chronic Conditions

Psychiatric Needs


Doctors Must Pay Additional Fees to Extend Practice Coverage

Why is it that doctors won't accept those patients? One of the most compelling reasons is that the doctors can't afford to pay for the specialty insurance that is necessary before they provide specialized services. If the doctor isn't carrying the insurance that allows them to treat rheumatism, for instance, then the doctor will have to refer their patients to another doctor. Patients with multiple conditions may find themselves bouncing from one doctor to another, and then to still another.

If there are several hospitals in the area, you may find that the doctor of your choice doesn't have practicing rights at the hospital of your choice. This is because doctors must pay fees to obtain practicing rights at the hospitals.

There Is a Solution

This solution is called direct practice, concierge medicine, or private practice medicine. As the current healthcare system continues to worsen, some doctors have found a way to provide quality and personalized care for their patients. Cutting out the third party intervention of insurance companies, doctors can provide direct care to their patients for a monthly or annual fee. Doctors have the ability to provide preventative care and can take the time to follow up with their patients to be sure that treatment instructions are being followed. Same or next day care is provided. Doctors and patients have more control over the care being provided to the patients. Direct care is the answer to today's healthcare questions.

Lawrence Reaves writes for the American Academy of Private Physicians (AAPP), a group of private physicians that provide quality healthcare to anyone who is in need. To learn more about AAPP or to join visit their site.

Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/is-there-a-solution-to-today-s-healthcare-crisis--292084

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